Assignee compensation with a fair value
Income tax is often the most expensive and complex part of an assignee package. Mercer's Personal Income Tax (PIT) Solution simplifies the process of determining assignee taxes by providing immediate access to all the necessary information and data. This data enables the preparation of an estimation of how tax and social security components impact the remuneration package during an international assignment.
The Personal Income Tax Solution is a cost-effective, multifunctional international HR management product that includes a powerful calculator and full reports on personal income tax. The Personal Income Tax Solution is available for 140+ locations, including regions and states, on a global entitlement or location-specific basis.
We have rebuilt the calculator to provide a highly improved user experience. With enhanced performance and a refreshed, user-friendly interface, you can measure the real value of your employee's compensation, showing the exact difference made by taxes, easier, faster and more accurate than ever!