Total cost estimate services

Why does it matter?

Expatriate assignments are expensive…but just how much do they really cost?

International assignments are a significant component of the total cost of your global business strategy. As a strategic partner, having an accurate estimate is vital for HR when providing a budget to management. Calculating the estimated cost of expatriation will help you determine whether an assignment is financially viable, and lead to cost savings for your company.

  • Strategic planning
  • Budgeting
  • Determine opportunities for cost-cutting
  • Eliminate surprises
  • Opportunities for less expensive alternatives - such as short-term assignments or hiring local nationals
  • Comparative cost modeling
  • Management buy-in on policy changes

How can Mercer assist you?

Mercer helps you simplify your planning with accurate, transparent, detailed assignment cost projections.

Total Cost Estimate Reports provide you with accurate, detailed international assignment cost projections, using the AssignmentPro™ tool, under a licensing agreement with Equus. Cost projections can be calculated for a variety of assignment types, length, and locations, quickly providing a complete picture of total assignment costs.  

Cost projection components

  • All compensation-related elements
  • Relocation costs (using either company specific data or Mercer standard assumptions)
  • Estimated worldwide tax and social security liability
  • Assignment costs by year and in total
  • Incremental assignment costs
  • Detailed breakdown of compensation, relocation expenses and taxes
  • Reports delivery in home or host currency, or in US dollars

Contact us or your consultant to request a Total Cost Estimate Report today.

2022 Expatriate Management and Talent Mobility Conference 4-5 April 2022 | Virtual event

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