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Compensation Localizer

Global workforce, local pay

Compensation Localizer simplifies putting an employee on a host-based compensation program or transitioning employees between local compensation plans in different locations.

  • Gain complete confidence in how the change will affect your employees.
  • Determine any needed transitional or ongoing supplemental payments.
  • Easily “sell” a package that represents a gain to the employee or decide whether to cushion a package representing an economic loss.
  • Use your local pay structure or access Mercer's robust rewards data.
  • Perform your calculations more smoothly and efficiently than ever before with the enhanced and user-friendly Compensation Localizer 2.0.

What you need to know about Compensation Localizer

Use the tool to quantify the economic impact whenever you are putting together a host-based compensation package for an employee:

  • As an alternative to a traditional home-based international package
  • Upon localization (transitioning international assignees to host-based pay)
  • For one-way international transfers
  • For locally or directly hired foreigners

Screenshot of calculation input fields for Compensation Localizer

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Calculate the precise economic gain or loss to your transferee and the amount needed for the transferee to get equivalent pay in the host location.

Compare this equivalent package to the local market using Mercer’s robust proprietary market remuneration data or your local pay structure. Click here to learn more about Mercer total rewards.

Screenshot of  output details from a Compensation Localizer calculation

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Compensation Localizer calculates the difference between costs in the current and proposed locations, accounting for taxes, goods and services, housing expenses, and other costs and allowances.

Readily customize the calculations to your specifications — down to the individual employee’s situation — or use Mercer’s robust standardized market data. For example, you can use our standard assumptions on normative housing expenses in the host location, or override them by choosing the actual accommodation type or a specific rental cost to be used in the calculation.

Screenshot of assumptions and specific adjustment items that can be applied to a salary calculation with Compensation Localizer

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Further information

Thumbnail preview of Compensation Localizer demonstration video
Thumbnail image of Compensation Localizer sample report PDF
Stock image of a business woman working on her laptop

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