Articles for category operational strategy
Global mobility program managers need many skills to succeed: analysis, presentation, sales, storytelling, technical literacy, rewards, and compliance are key.
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operational strategy
Increasing reliance on shorter assignments and business trips requires changes in HR processes and responsibility. Mobility teams can lead this change.
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operational strategy
The complexity of changes taking place and emerging dilemmas will challenge mobility management practices in coming years. Here are seven areas to focus on.
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operational strategy
To optimize their global workforces, leading companies attack the talent mobility issue from several angles.
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operational strategy
Practical suggestions for keeping exceptions to company policy from becoming the norm – and creating administrative burden and escalating costs.
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policies & practices
operational strategy
Auditing and benchmarking your mobility program can counter the effects of changes in your company or the business environment on policies and processes.
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policies & practices
operational strategy
Identify service providers that have the right knowledge and expertise, interview them, then get detailed proposals outlining services and fees.
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operational strategy