Author: William
Broad regional changes in personal safety over a 10-year period, as assessed in Mercer's Quality of Living Reports.
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quality of living
Rotator assignments are a unique work arrangement critical for meeting staffing needs in such industries as energy and mining. Find out how companies are handling them, featuring highlights from our recent survey.
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policies & practices
A sound cost-containment mobile talent strategy needs to go beyond tactical expense cutting and slashing expatriate compensation packages. Here are practical steps to help identify budget saving opportunities.
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operational strategy
At a time when many mobility discussions are focused on flexibility, self-service, and the end of traditional expatriate assignments, international moves can still pose risks to employees. More than ever, companies need well-thought strategies to manage risks.
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operational strategy
Housing assistance is a critically important aspect of many expatriate packages – and a big expense for employers. Here are tips to strike a balance between happy expats and a reasonable housing budget.
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Understanding how to brand and market a mobility program internally and externally has become an essential part of global mobility management. Here we look at the key ways mobility management borrows from marketing.
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operational strategy
The WEF identifies 7 areas for workforce changes in its mapping of global transformation, and most of them have profound consequences for talent mobility and international HR management.
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talent strategy
Whether you are looking for ways to improve project management or considering a wider reorganization of the HR function, the Agile methodology offers compelling tools that you need to know.
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operational strategy
Here are seven practical ideas and tools to help you move your mobility management practices to the next level.
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operational strategy
Continuing our look at international assignments for client projects, we focus on the biggest challenge: the duty of care for such a broad range of assignment lengths and locations.
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operational strategy
international benefits