Author: William
Having a diverse workforce gives you more insights into LGBT-, gender-, and age-related issues. Learn to manage your diverse workforce in non-diverse locations.
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diversity, equity & inclusion
Our series on how mobility professionals are responding to new challenges starts with a discussion of how the future of mobility will require more agility, adaption, and ongoing learning.
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operational strategy
How flexible can a company be without jeopardizing the consistency of its mobility program? Let's take a quick look at the possibilities.
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policies & practices
Implementing a segmented mobility policy can increase the effectiveness of a mobility program, but a segmentation approach needs to be aligned with business objectives and avoid unnecessary complexities.
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policies & practices
Here are four simple steps for revisiting expatriate compensation approaches to align them with a more comprehensive vision of talent mobility.
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compensation & allowances
A new batch of acronyms and corporate concepts tells us about current global trends, companies’ concerns, and how talent mobility is evolving.
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operational strategy
Video consultation with doctors can save time and money, and a globally mobile workforce stands to benefit especially from this technology.
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international benefits
Copenhagen enjoys a high quality of living. In this interview, its mayor shares his insights on the city's success.
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quality of living
Manage assignment compensation, overcome talent mobility barriers, take mobility trends into account, and more.
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policies & practices
Things we can learn from mobility professionals who successfully reinvented themselves and their mobility function to become strategic HR partners.
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operational strategy