As 2019 draws to an end, here is a summary of the major trends that are reshaping mobile workforce management and will force HR teams to revisit their practices.
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operational strategy
Now in his fifth term, Mayor Ron Huldai of Tel Aviv has long been a champion of progressive ideals. Here, Mr. Huldai looks back on his 20+ year tenure as the mayor of this economic Israeli metropolis.
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quality of living
The success of talent mobility policies requires a coherent narrative that links mobility with business objectives, communication channels, and company positioning.
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operational strategy
Talent management automation is on the rise, but many companies still struggle to adopt it. Here are six points to help make the business case to top management.
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technology & digitalization
Talent mobility requires an integrated people strategy to deliver on its promises. Here we explore the major challenges to successful global talent management and the best tactics to overcome them.
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talent strategy
Ageism is the last diversity frontier. Don't let it put a break on growth and thriving workforces. By adapting mobility polices and changing mindsets, organizations can truly benefit from the silver revolution.
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international benefits
diversity, equity & inclusion
Learn how small- and mid-sized enterprise global mobility professionals can address the persistent and ever-changing challenges surrounding costs.
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metrics, analytics & ROI
operational strategy
Successful implementation of automation in mobility management requires vision and user-centric focus, not just a desire to cut costs, according to Mercer's 2019 survey.
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technology & digitalization
Meeting the ever-changing needs of international business means expanding and curating your global talent pool. These strategies can help.
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talent strategy
Highlights from Mercer's 2019 survey present key findings and an exclusive sample of some of the many global HR insights contained in the report.
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metrics, analytics & ROI